After The Fishing, There’s More

August 1, 2014 by  
Filed under Fishing Tool

The skiing fraternity seem to many people as though they have a monopoly on post-hobby fun. In fact, there is a French word which is used to describe a social scene which is present in nigh-on every ski resort in the world. In practice, it generally means drinking a lot of schnapps and dancing to incredibly loud music. Although fishing is perhaps less of an intensely energetic pursuit than skiing, the fishing fraternity still do not so too badly for an evening entertainment.

Fishing, What Inside


If you go on a trip, you will usually be located in a fairly rural setting. Although this may not play in most people minds, into something which could be considered the height of social enjoyment, it is more or less a rule that every fishing village or small town will have at least one bar which serves good, hearty food and enough beer to sink a small navy. This is something that makes a fishing trip worthwhile even for some of the less committed anglers in your group.

It may be that you do not want to go out after your afternoon work. There is no harm to this, either, and it may be that you will prefer to return to your accommodation and set to preparing the fish you have caught for an evening meal. This is one of the most enjoyable things about fishing knowing that you have caught and prepared what you are eating. It brings out something primal in a person, which satisfies an urge.

The Fishing Box The Professionals Use

August 1, 2014 by  
Filed under Fishing Tool

When you go fishing semi-regularly, you will often find that you keep thinking the same thing every time you go. One problem or pattern will keep cropping up to the point where you cannot ignore it, and eventually you will make a note to be aware of it next time. There are certain things that any fisherman needs to be aware of, and these things should give you some clue as to what you should put in your fishing box. Something you should have if you are going to make a habit, or a hobby, of fishing.

Every Angler Need Suitable Fishing Box or Tackle Box


One thing you should certainly have is a knife in your fishing box. The main reason for this is that, every time you hook a fish, the line you use will become somewhat weakened, and in some places will even break. When this happens, in order to stop the integrity of the line from being damaged you will need to cut the line and create a new connection. Additionally, you may need to cut bait and if you are planning to dine on fresh fish you can even clean and fillet your catch.

Other things that will come in more than useful include a pair of pliers in fishing box. Essential for pulling hooks out of fish and also out of human skin should it be necessary. A file and a cigarette lighter will be useful too, as the file will enable you to sharpen hooks and the lighter will enable you to repair damage to plastic lures. Finally, you should make sure that you also bring sunscreen if the weather is sunny, and painkillers as well as any other medication you require day-to-day.

Give A Man A Fish And You’ll Feed Him For One Day

August 1, 2014 by  
Filed under Fishing Tool

Most people will have heard the old saying give a man a fish, and he’ll feed himself for a day; teach him to fish and he’ll feed himself and his family for life. Although not everyone who takes up angling does it in order to provide food, it is a good saying, demonstrating how fishing can be more than just a hobby, and can have a real practical application for anyone who does it. it helps if you like to eat fish and have a nearby body of water with a ready supply of edible species, of course. Admittedly not everyone is so lucky.

Give A Man A Fish And You’ll Feed Him For One Day


However, for those who are, there is certainly a viable aspect to fishing in order to provide food. Not every species you can catch is edible or to be more accurate, not every species is one that you would wish to eat. Those that are do not occur naturally everywhere. It is therefore a good idea to read up on the prevalent species in your area and find out whether you might enjoy dining on freshly caught fish regularly.

It is also worth being aware whether you need to have a license in order to fish certain spots. In some cases, local authorities deem it necessary that anyone who might fish for financial gain (and if you do not have to buy the fish, it could be argued that you are doing so) should pay for a license to cover what they might take out of the areas rivers and lakes. The license may not cost much, and you may not need one at all, but it is advisable to be sure of the situation before you go any further, in order that you do not end up paying a fine and having to pay for a license. Please…. just give a man a fish.

Fancy A Change? Try Ice Fishing.

August 1, 2014 by  
Filed under Fishing Tool

Most regular anglers choose between three main types of fishing for their amusement. Either you like to go sea fishing, or fish in a river, or finally you might prefer to enjoy a placid day lake fishing. However, there are also plenty of people chiefly those who live in colder climates who enjoy doing things another way. Namely, ice fishing. This may sound like an unrealistic choice for those who live in warmer climes, but there is absolutely no reason why you cannot go on an ice fishing break should the fancy take you.

Try Ice Fishing


Indeed, for some places among them the American state of Alaska ice fishing forms a major part of their cultural tourist industry. The fact that for many people in these regions ice fishing is a necessity, means that they have a strong knowledge of exactly how to do it right, and this makes for an endlessly entertaining change of pace for those who are used to standing in shorts and t-shirt while battling a warm water fish. The equipment is slightly different and the experience can be a little jarring if you don’t deal well with icy conditions, but it can be genuinely good fun.

The pleasures may not be as widely known as those of riverbank fishing and sea angling, but they are certainly there nonetheless. Anyone who has spent a few hours crouched by a hole in the snow trying to land a fish will admit that, at the very least, there is a real challenge to ice fishing which other forms struggle to replicate.

Epic Battles Of Our Time

August 1, 2014 by  
Filed under Fishing Tool

It is often claimed that former US president George W Bush once said. It is my belief that human beings and fish can co-exist peacefully. While epic battles dispute over whether he actually said that, surely no-one disagrees that it is true. However, you will come to question the truth of it when you have put a great deal of effort into the battle to land a 40-50 lb fish and feel nothing but anger and aggression towards the entire piscine kingdom. At that point, you will feel ready to declare full-scale war against fish and, indeed, crabs too. Anything that lives in water will draw your ire.

Epic Battles


Undoubtedly, though, the major lasting effect of a epic battles to land a big fish will be dependent on whether you get it in the net in the end. If you do, an overriding feeling of weary satisfaction will be the order of the day. Fail to land it and you will nurse a sense of hurt frustration and either resolve to get the lucky fish next time, or want to walk away and leave it. Of such fine margins is made the life of a keen angler. If we did not have those moments of satisfaction and frustration, fishing would just be boring.

It is as much a matter of getting the larger fish on the hook as it is getting it in the net. Any number of things can happen once it on the end of the line, and not every case where the fish gets away will be the anglers fault. In fact, getting the fish on the line and enjoying the battle is many anglers favorite part of the pastime. No matter how frustrating it can be to have a fish escape you, imagine how bored you would get if they never even got on the hook.

BoatingÂ’s Top 60 Tips Freshwater Fishing

April 29, 2010 by  
Filed under Fishing Tool

BoatingÂ’s Top 60 Tips Freshwater Fishing

DVD Boating’s Top 60 Tips – Freshwater FishingDiscover the tips and techniques required to help you catch more fish and become a smarter and more successful angler. Irrespective of where you fish and regardless of the particular species you pursue, this program is sure to add to the joys and pleasures of freshwater fishing.Minutes: 45 mins


New White Fishing Fish Pole Rod Game Sports for Nintendo Wii Bass Game Remote Nunchuk Controller

April 29, 2010 by  
Filed under Fishing Tool

New White Fishing Fish Pole Rod Game Sports for Nintendo Wii Bass Game Remote Nunchuk Controller

If you are a fan of fishing and an avid Wii gamer, you will love the Fishing Rod with Reel. Comprised of an extendable rod and a chrome rotating reel, you can reel in your catch with accuracy. The Fishing Rod with Reel is designed to fit your remote controller in the fishing pole and the nunchuk controller in the rotating reel; it gives you an authentic feel as you are holding a real fishing rod. Its lightweight body and detachable pole makes storing the Fishing Rod with Reel ea (more…)

2 Probes Machinist Spatula Polymer Dental Fishing Tools

April 29, 2010 by  
Filed under Fishing Tool

2 Probes Machinist Spatula Polymer Dental Fishing Tools

2 Wax Carving Probe Scriber Tools Double Sided, Factory Sealed

These are 2 different double-sided probes
These are made from harden steel for tough jobs
These are anodized with unique bright red and blue designs for quick identification
These are very pointy and sharp, use with extreme caution
These approximately mesure 8 1/2″ and 9 1/8″ long

NOTE: Pictures are for illustration purpose only, actual item may slightly vary in appearance and design


The New Fly Fishing Basics (2001)

April 29, 2010 by  
Filed under Fishing Tool

The New Fly Fishing Basics

Detailed instruction is provided by ESPN (more…)

Probiotika All in 1000 – probiotischen Joghurt selber machen


April 29, 2010 by  
Filed under Fishing Tool


The Hook-Zit is a steel wire fishing tool. The small hook at one end and the larger “J” shape at the opposing end are faced the same way, so you always know which way the “fishing” hook is facing, even in blind wire fishing conditions. The mini hook end is designed to fish ball chain or wire inside a wall with a hole as small as 1/4″, while the larger “J-shape” hook end is more for fishing a bundle of wires in a restricted space like inside a panel. Sold as a 3-pack


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